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As of March 18, 2024, new subcategories have been added, allowing you to play the categories below with either Peppino, Noise, Swap Mode (1P), or Swap Mode (2P) as your choice of character(s).

(TODO: Add character-specific information for the categories below.)

The following routes and toppins to be skipped as Peppino have been determined through the research carried out on the Toppin Trackers spreadsheet.



Reach the end credits by any means necessary. Since the discovery of Pause Abuse, Floor 5 Skip was discovered where you can skip straight to The Crumbling Tower of Pizza from the Floor 5 hub. The current route as Peppino is as follows:

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)

No Major Glitches

No major glitches are allowed. The banned glitches include the following:

We must play by the rules: Go into levels to collect toppins, use their money to unlock boss fights and clear them to work our way up the tower.

It is possible to miss 9 toppins throughout the whole game and still have just enough money to reach the final boss. The current route for Peppino does the following:

  • Enter GOLF, skip only the Burg course and then perform Burg Skip, missing 2 toppins.
  • Skip playing Oh Shit!, missing 5 toppins.
  • Go into The Pig City and skip taxi #4 and #5, missing 2 toppins.
  • Collect all toppins in every other level.

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)

True Ending



No Major Glitches

Collect all treasures and save John as fast as you can. Since we must enter every level (including Oh Shit!) to collect all treasures, the route for Peppino ends up skipping a much different set of toppins:

  • In Oregano Desert, skip the pineapple (5th) toppin.
  • In Deep-Dish 9, skip the cheese (2nd) toppin.
  • In GOLF, skip all three golf courses and perform Burg Skip, missing 4 toppins.
    • Don't forget to collect Gerome as you do Burg Skip!
  • In The Pig City, skip taxi #1, #2 and #4, missing 3 toppins.
  • Collect every toppin in every other level.

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)


Collect all toppins, all treasures and all secrets, as well obtain S rank in all levels and bosses. Since no toppins can be skipped, the overall route becomes fairly obvious. Instead, the main challenge of this category is having to manage your score, making sure to meet the S rank requirement before exiting each level. Some levels can have a more strict score requirement than others, and one misstep can result in losing a lot of time. Competing in the individual level leaderboards can make for good practice should a particular level give you trouble.

Some levels can be completed faster in 1 lap as Peppino while still achieving the S rank requirement, which include:

As this category requires getting ranks on bosses as well, you cannot do the Result Screen Skip on bosses.

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)


This rather brutal category goes further and demands getting a P rank in every level and boss, as well as unlocking every achievement. Obtaining P ranks consistently is already a huge challenge by itself, and that's without also having to juggle weird side-objectives at the same time. Retrying a level once (or several times) during a run will be common and expected.

Because of the difficulty and strictness of the category, just attempting such a run should not even be considered until you've already become VERY familiar with 100%.

Misc. Categories


This introductory/meme category sets a lower bar: Reach the 4th floor and kill Snotty as fast as possible. These conditions allow you to skip 15 toppins and still reach your mark.

The route as Peppino is as follows:

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)

All Secrets



No Major Glitches

Collect all secrets and then finish the game. This category is similar to 100%, but without the score aspect and the stress that often comes with it. Not having to seek out Gerome results in a quite unique toppin route.

The route for Peppino is as follows:

  • In Oregano Desert, skip the cheese (2nd), tomato (3rd) and sausage (4th) toppins, thus missing 3 toppins.
  • In Fastfood Saloon, skip the pineapple (5th) toppin.
  • In Deep-Dish 9, skip the cheese (2nd) toppin.
  • In GOLF, skip the tomato (3rd) toppin and then perform Burg Skip, missing 2 toppins.
    • Don't forget you still need the secret in the Soda course!
  • In The Pig City, skip taxi #1, missing 1 toppin.
  • In Oh Shit!, skip the tomato (3rd) toppin.
  • Collect every toppin in every other level.

(TODO: Add Noise, Swap 1P and Swap 2P routes)