Result Screen Skip

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As the name suggests, Result Screen Skip (RSS) allows you to skip the result screen by selecting "EXIT LEVEL" while still counting the level as complete and keeping everything you collected.

While this trick saves 15 seconds in RTA, this trick is largely obsolete because it loses In-game Time over going through the exit and watching the results screen, and is currently only used in boss fights and to perform Vigilante Upwarp.

RSS in levels was somewhat infamous as it was very easy to get the trick wrong if your attention slips for even a moment, and making a mistake here can result in you exiting the level without having it count as completed. Since version v1.0.594, this trick has become much easier to perform.

RSS in Levels

Note: Since recent patches and the switch to In-game Time as the standard timing method, this trick has been rendered largely obsolete because it loses In-game Time over going through the exit and watching the results screen. The only exception to this is when doing it as a means to perform Vigilante Upwarp
RSS being performed during a Mach Dash.

While walking or standing in front of the exit door of any level:

  • Pause the game.
  • Press UP to navigate to "EXIT LEVEL".
  • Select “EXIT LEVEL” while still holding UP.
    • All of this can be done by creating an RSS button in the Keybinding Menu.
  • Make sure to continue holding UP until your return to the hub. You’ll know if you performed the trick correctly if you hear the result screen fanfare as you return to the hub.

It has been noted it’s also possible to perform the trick by only beginning to hold UP immediately after pressing “EXIT LEVEL”, but doing it this way is risky and ill-advised. Also make sure not to perform this trick as you exit The Crumbling Tower of Pizza on the game’s finale, since time ends upon pressing up on the exit anyway.

Tutorial Video by EllieJelli

RSS during Mach Run

RSS can also be performed during a Mach Run, but you must hold both UP and DASH while selecting “EXIT LEVEL”. Neglecting to do so will cause Peppino to start skidding into a stop, preventing him from going through the gate and exit the level without counting completion.

In Boss Fights

The same trick is much simpler to do and less prone to catastrophic failure in boss fights, skipping the result screen while keeping the key to the next floor.

  • Defeat the boss and grab the key.
  • As soon as you’ve grabbed the key, you may pause the game and select “EXIT LEVEL”.

Note that you will not be awarded a rank for the boss fight in doing this skip. You must let the results screen play out in 100% and 101%.