Score and Ranks

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Score and ranks

Your score is displayed at the top-left corner of the screen, and it increases whenever you collect pickups and kill enemies. Score is the only thing that affects your rank, up to S-rank, which makes it of crucial importance in the 100% and 101% categories.

Your score during a level, as well as your current rank, is displayed at the top-left corner of the screen. Your score increases as you collect pickups and kill enemies in each level, which determines what rank you receive at the end of the level. Each level has its own score you must have to obtain an S-rank, and how hard that score is to reach can vary significantly for each stage: Some levels are notoriously difficult, while others can be S-ranked without going through the 2nd lap portal.

The requirement for every other rank below S is half as much as the rank above. Because of this, getting a D-Rank can be difficult or impossible unless you go well out of your way to tank your score.

  • S-rank is given on meeting the required score.
  • A-rank is given on 1/2 the S-rank score.
  • B-rank is given on 1/2 the A-rank score (Or 1/4 the S-rank score).
  • C-rank is given on 1/2 the B-rank score (Or 1/8 the S-rank score).
  • D-rank is given under 1/8 the S-rank score.

S-Rank Score Requirements

Level Name Score
John Gutter 16,000
Pizzascape 20,000
Ancient Cheese 17,000
Bloodsauce Dungeon 18,500
Oregano Desert 19,500
Wasteyard 20,500
Fun Farm 19,000
Fastfood Saloon 20,000
Crust Cove 23,000
Gnome Forest 19,000
GOLF 23,000
Deep-Dish 9 20,000
The Pig City 20,000
Peppibot Factory 20,000
Oh Shit! 20,000
Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator 18,200
Pizzascare 18,000
Don't Make a Sound 22,000
WAR 21,500
The Crumbling Tower of Pizza 5,500

P rank

P rank is a special rank that has a number of requirements:

  • You must kill an enemy before leaving the first room of the level.
  • You must obtain an S rank score.
  • You must obtain all secrets and the treasure.
  • You must do a second lap.
  • You must not drop a combo once.

Interestingly, collecting all toppins is not strictly required to obtain a P rank. However, skipping any of them is still hard to justify since they each give you 1000 points, not to mention that they also have weight on game progression and completion.

Boss Fights

Boss fights have no score. Instead, your rank here is determined only by how much damage to take during a fight.

  • Clearing the fight with no hits grants a P-rank.
  • Otherwise, clearing the fight 2 hits or less grants a S-rank.
  • Otherwise, clearing the fight 4 hits or less grants a A-rank.
  • Otherwise, clearing the fight 6 hits or less grants a B-rank.
  • Otherwise, clearing the fight 8 hits or less grants a C-rank.
  • Clearing the fight with over 8 hits grants a D-rank.


Each level is littered with many pickups and interactables that give out points. This will make up the majority of your total score.

Pickup Score

Collect mushroom.png Collect cheese.png Collect tomato.png
Collect sausage.png Collect pineapple.png Collect clock.png
Collect banana.png Collect bacon.png
Small Pickup


Cheese block small.png
Small Pizza Block

Player taunt.png
Taunt at Level Exit
25, up to ten times.
Must be done during a combo.

Collect large.png Collect bell.png
Large Pickup


Cheese block large.png
Large Pizza Block




500 on first visit

Toppin cage.png


Lap 2 portal.png
Lap Portal



Card Set

50, 100 or 150
per card

Beer bottle.png
Large Beer Bottle


Ice blocks.png
Ice Block

Treasure guy.png

Chest Guys

(+ one kill)

Golf hoop.png

Primo burg.png

Primo Burg!!


Hot Dog!

Nice nachos.png

Nice Nachos!





10 per Ice Block.

Free milk.png
Free Milk



The other big contributor to your final score is combos. Whenever you kill an enemy, a combo will start, displaying your combo count and a combo meter under the TV at the top right of the screen. Note that points to be gained from your combo are not reflected in real time on your score on the top left. However, the rank you are going to earn is always accurate. This may cause situations where you can see you’re going to earn a higher rank than your score might seemingly suggest.


Each time you kill an enemy (except pizzaboy cutouts or any infinitely respawning enemy), you will be awarded points and the combo counter will increase. The higher the combo counter goes, the more each additional kill is worth. All enemies are worth the same, and each kill is worth points based on the formula , where n is the combo count.

Oddly, certain enemies will increase the combo count when killed, but not award any points. This may result in the combo in question not awarding as many points as one would expect. The enemies in question are:

Combo Count Single Kill Combo Total
1 10 10
2 11 21
3 11 32
4 12 42
5 12 56
6 13 69
7 13 82
8 14 96
9 14 110
10 15 125
15 17 206
25 22 406
30 25 525
35 27 656
40 30 800
45 32 956
50 35 1125
60 40 1500
70 45 1925
80 50 2400
90 55 2925
100 60 3500
110 65 4125
120 70 4800
130 75 5525
140 80 6300
150 85 7125



Combo Meter

The combo meter is measured by the little ghost going from the right to the left. It takes roughly 7 seconds to deplete from full, and if this timer runs out, your combo will end. Most cutscenes and transitions will pause meter depletion.

This meter can be refilled, either partially or completely, by doing any of the following:

  • Gaining points. (Except when taunting at level exit)
  • Collecting Gerome the Janitor.
  • Killing enemies.
  • Hitting or grabbing GOLF’s Greaseball.

Hurting Peppino will cause the meter to be depleted by about 50%, which will most likely cause you to drop your combo unless you react quickly. One way you can usually recover is by using a Super Taunt to kill an enemy nearby (such as the one that may have just hurt you).