Floor 5 Skip

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Floor 5 Skip is a Pause Abuse trick used to skip the last boss door, allowing you to go straight to The Crumbling Tower of Pizza from the Floor 5 hub, skipping a whopping 30 toppins throughout the entire game.


(WIP: Writing subject to improvement and better details)

  • A controller is required for this skip to work consistently.
  • Go to the mansion hub secret.
  • Go into a charging super jump state while falling off the ledge.
  • During the transition in the next screen, hit the pause button.
  • Immediately on the next frame, click outside the game window.
  • Wait for approximately 47 seconds.
  • Do a shoulder bash to the left.

You will now be on top of the area with the transition trigger to The Crumbling Tower of Pizza's first screen.