Peppibot Factory

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Peppibot Factory is a Level in Pizza Tower.

General Strategies

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Pizza Box Transformation

Pizza stompers will crush down Peppino, turning him into his Pizza Box transformation. While under these enemies, Peppino’s movement is stopped, so rushing past them does not seem to be possible. While in this transformation, Peppino can move, jump, do a spin attack and fly.

The spin attack can be done by pressing GRAB. It reaches a short distance and can be used to kill enemies and rats in your path. If you hold GRAB as you kill an enemy, the spin can be performed for longer than usual. This can be chained any number of times.

It is possible to gain additional height by spinning into a wall repeatedly.

Holding JUMP as you kill an enemy will also throw you into the air slightly, allowing you to gain height without using your flight.

This transformation also allows Peppino to flap and fly by pressing JUMP while in the air. You can flap a limited number of times before touching the ground, and the more times you flap, the less height you gain each time. You should not flap too quickly, and instead should wait a moment between jumps to gain as much height as you can out of each flap. Landing back on the ground will immediately give you all your jumps back.

This transformation moves the fastest by simply moving normally along the ground. Peppino can only reach limited speeds while in midair, so one should get a running start from the ground before taking off. The spin attack can also give you a decent burst of movement from a standstill, but spinning repeatedly is also slower.

Pizza Box Comparison.gif

While the fastest way to move from a standstill is to spin once and then move normally, the difference is pretty minor. Simply moving along the ground, while slightly less optimal, is still about ideal.

Comparison between spinning once and moving (top left) and only moving (bottom right). Gif courtesy of vlackSR.

True ending



This is one of the levels where it is faster to get an S Rank in 1 lap. The route involves killing every enemy and grabbing every pickup in sight.


Chef Tasks

Whoop This!

Spr achievement industrial 1.png

Obtainability: Exit Secret 1 after all Weenies have died and without getting hurt in there once.

Optimisations: Run towards the exit and supertaunt to kill all of them and then escape before any of the hands get to reach you.

Whoop This! 101%.gif


Spr achievement industrial 0.png

Obtainability: Reach every Priest as a Pizza box at least once.

Optimisations: All of the Priests except one can be reached normally, the last one can be reached in Lap 2, by going to where Secret 3 would be as a pizzabox.

There Can Be Only One

Spr achievement industrial 2.png

Obtainability: Kill all (but 1 for some reason) Peppibots. This includes Lap 2.

Optimisations: The most viable Peppibot to leave alive is the one above Secret 2. All of the other ones are close to the main path or can be killed by throwing an enemy into them. In the vertical room after the factory, you can throw all Peppibots against each other and then supertaunt the last 5, because they are not in a line.

There can only be one 101% 1.gif



Industrial 1.png


Industrial 2.png


Industrial 3.png


Industrial 4.png


Industrial 5.png


Industrial lap.png


Industrial secret1.png


Industrial secret2.png


Industrial secret3.png





Beginner - 100%
Peppibot Factory Unflattening 100%.gif

After exiting secret 3, you can go back, turn into a pizza box, and continue escaping to get 500 points from the priest. This is approximately equivalent to the amount of points obtainable in the lap 2 room, allowing you to skip it entirely.

Do note that the 2 weenies just after the pizza stomper must not be killed before entering secret 3 in order to conserve your combo.

Discovered by slumbreon





