Pause Abuse

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Pause Abuse enables unintended behaviors in the levels. The current variations of Pause Abuse include the following:

  • Assisted Extended Pause Abuse: Done by pausing on the controller, then unfocusing the game on the next frame.
  • Manual Extended Pause Abuse: Done by mashing pause manually.
  • Pause Assisted Speedrun (PAS): A variant of Assisted Extended Pause Abuse except more inputs are used when unfocusing the game on the next frame.
  • Single-Pause Abuse: Done by timing a frame perfect pause.

Most of these tricks have no known buffers, the exception being the Assisted Extended Pause Abuse, which is used to do Floor 5 Skip, and PAS, which is used to do Ghost Skip Skip and The Crumbling Tower of Pizza Skip.

As the effects of pause abuse was only discovered recently (December 10th, 2023), there may yet be more tricks and glitches yet to be found.

(WIP: All names here are subject to improvement and suggestions)

Can't Touch This

It is possible to avoid interacting with semi-solid objects such as enemies and toppins with Extended Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Video courtesy of kab43

Delaying Screen Transitions

Floor 5 Skip

It is possible to skip the entirety of Floor 5 by means of doing the Floor 5 Skip, enabling skipping 30 toppins entirely. This is a trick that has to do with delaying the screen transition with Extended Pause Abuse.

The video shown here is the TAS version. For the RTA viable version, go here for more details.

Discovered by laupig

Video courtesy of Vexxter

Transformation Duplication/Preservation

It is possible to duplicate/preserve transformations by delaying the screen Transitions.

Discovered by laupig

Doing so to duplicate/preserve the weenie in The Crumbling Tower of Pizza allows you to run backwards.

Lap 2 Skip

It is possible to gain 3,000 points from the lap 2 portal without actually entering it and exiting out of the John Pillar room. However, it is noted that this only works with vertical transitions (which are available in Bloodsauce Dungeon and Gnome Forest only), with all other transitions softlocking Peppino's movements, but he can be freed by John Ghost in Wasteyard.

Further investigation is needed to determine the timesave possible on the aforementioned 3 levels.

This affects 100% but not 101% due to the P rank requirement not being triggered by skipping exiting the lap 2 portal.

Discovered by yottacat

Hub Door Unlock Animation Skip

It is possible to skip the hub door unlock animation by delaying screen transition.

Discovered by yottacat

Delaying Stage Animations/Affects

Cheeseball Cycle Skip

It is possible to delay the stage animations with Extended Pause Abuse. The example here shows Peppino transforming into a cheeseball a cycle earlier than normal.

Discovered by VlackSR

Ghost Skip Skip

It is possible to prevent the john blocks from toggling with Extended Pause Abuse.

Video courtesy of Vexxter


It is possible to walk/run over the water current with Extended Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Video courtesy of Vexxter

Timer Freeze

It is possible to freeze the timers in Fastfood Saloon with Extended Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Despawning Entities

It is possible to prevent enemies from spawning during Pizza Time with Single-Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Video courtesy of Vexxter

It is possible to despawn/prevent the outlets from spawning in Peppibot Factory with Single-Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Video courtesy of Yottacat

Falling Pizzaface

It is possible to make Pizzaface fall to the ground without using an enemy with Extended Pause Abuse.

Discovered by laupig

Preserving Enemies

It is possible to preserve enemies after piledriving them with Single-Pause Abuse.

Discovered by VlackSR

Restart Wrong Warp

It is possible to wrong warp by restarting twice with Single-Pause Abuse then going through a screen transition with Extended Pause Abuse.

It is noted that restart wrong wrap lets you teleport to arbitrary locations with restrictions as listed below:

  • Horizontal Transitions - You can wrong warp with any horizontal transition, a few send you to a fixed position but for most, you can manipulate the position you're sent to.
  • Pizzabox - You can wrong warp with any pizzabox, however because your position is locked when you enter a pizzabox, you cannot manipulate the position you're sent to.
  • Vertical Transitions - You can't wrong warp at all.
  • Doors - You can't wrong warp with at all.

It is also possible to exit to the hub and wrong warp to other rooms. (WIP: Show video)

Discovered by laupig

The Crumbling Tower of Pizza Skip

Using this glitch, it is possible to skip the entirety of The Crumbling Tower of Pizza with Extended Pause Abuse.

(WIP: Create page)

Video courtesy of impossablank