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Pizzascape is the second Level in Pizza Tower. It takes place in a castle like area in the first area, a library in the second, and a storage room filled with objects. This level contains the first and only appearance of the knight transformation.

Collectable Strategies


All categories require each toppin to be collected for this level. The pineapple and mushroom Toppin can be collected during the escape to make things easier and faster while the sausage can be left during the escape if you find it more comfortable.

Gerome and Treasure


Gerome is located in the locked room in the storage room section of Pizzascape, on the right side of the room. This is also the room before Pillar John. You can either grab him during or before the escape depending on what you feel comfortable with.

Gerome's location.
Treasure Room

The door to the treasure is in the long hallway to the first library room. You can perform an updoor here in multiple ways, either off the wall or doing a tight/taunt buffered one.

Climb up the right most wall.


Secret 1

Secret 1 is located in the room with the tomato Toppin behind a vaguely rat shaped block. Running into this block confirms it's a rat as the bounced animation plays instead of the impact or slam animation. To get in, use the slope on the right side of the room with the knight transformation to kill the rat and access the secret. It is called medieval_secret4 in the game files.

Suspiciously rat shaped marble.
Secret 2

Secret 2 is located in medieval_6. It is called medieval_secret5 in the game files.

Secret 3

Secret 3 is located in medieval_3b. It is called medieval_secret6 in the game files.

Score Requirement

Some supertaunts may be required along the way in order to reach the score requirement. This applies to both 100% and 101%.

Chef Tasks



This chef tasks requires killing 10 Forknights with a parry. Note that the Forknight can be stunned or killed by the collateral hitbox of the parry and it will still count towards the achievement. As such, finding pairings of Forknights or the like can reduce the total number of parries required for the chef task.

Some recommended places to potentially parry the Forknights include:

  • The Forknight that blocks your path through the narrow gap in medieval_3.
  • The 3 Forknights near the sausage toppin.
  • The 4 Forknights below the sausage toppin, in the lower portion of medieval_6. See below.
  • The 2 Forknights at the end of medieval_7.
  • The 2 Forknights above Gerome in medieval_9b.

Quadruple Taunt

Intermediate - 101%

Instead of double taunting the forknights twice, it is possible to quadruple taunt them all in one go.

Shining Armor

This chef task requires reaching every priest without bumping a wall in knight form. For Peppino, this is simply the fastest method of getting through the level anyways on 100/101%. For Noise, this means you can't make use of his ability to bounce off of walls in knight form.


This chef task requires killing an enemy in the ball form, which can only be obtained by getting kicked by the Pepperoni Goblins found throughout the level. The bowling rats in secret 3 do not count for this chef task. The most common way to complete this chef task is to walk right after exiting secret 3, where a Pepperoni Goblin can kick you to the left into an enemy.



Medieval 1.png


Medieval 2.png


Medieval 3.png


Medieval 3b.png


Medieval 4.png


Medieval 5.png


Medieval 6.png


Medieval 7.png


Medieval 8.png


Medieval 9.png


Medieval 9b.png


Medieval 10.png


Medieval secret4.png


Medieval secret5.png


Medieval secret6.png

Miscellaneous Room Optimizations



Intermediate - All Categories

Pizzascape Updoor.gif

It is possible to perform Updoor on this door along your path.

  • As you slide into the priest on your knight suit, hold LEFT and UP (and nothing else).
  • As the priest turns you back to normal, immediately tap JUMP and GRAB in quick succession to jump and uppercut.
    • You want to do the uppercut in midair to shorten the animation.
    • However, you also want to start the uppercut from as low as possible to have more room for the animation to play out.
  • While in the air, continue holding UP and maneuver to land on the door.
    • If done correctly, you will skip the unlock animation.