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WAR is a Level in Pizza Tower.

General Strategies

Shotgun Tech

Picking up the shotgun replaces your grab with a powerful ranged attack. However, losing access to the grab locks away some movement options, requiring you to switch up some of your essential strategies.

Starting a Mach Dash - Beginner

Without a grab to kickstart your dash, you’ll have to start your sprints by simply holding DASH.

It’s been proposed that walking for a brief moment before starting to dash may be faster, since Peppino’s walking speed is 7 while Mach 1 starts at 6 speed, but this needs proper testing.

Preserving your Speed - Beginner

Peppino is able to fire the shotgun even during a dash. However, doing so while on the ground will quickly and almost completely bring you to a halt, which is often undesirable.

To avoid this, do a short hop and fire your shotgun from midair to preserve most of your speed.

Neutral Shot - Intermediate

During the shotgun animation, you will lose speed much faster if holding left or right.

By letting go of directional inputs while shooting, you can maintain most of your speed, however, you will have to continue holding left or right before the animation ends, or else you will lose all of your speed.


Discovered by CheDaCheez

Shotgun Instaturns (Shitstas) - Intermediate

While dashing, shooting during your turning animation will cause Peppino’s momentum to be immediately reversed. (can not be taunt shortened)


Discovered by Cosmic

Jumping and shooting and then holding left or right will put you in a Fast Walk state in either direction at the end of the shooting animation.

Practical Examples

Discovered by LeKukie

In most cases, you will continue dashing, but it is also possible to do a regular Instaturn from the Fast Walk state, causing you to run in the same direction you shot towards.

During a midair Fast Walk state, shooting and turning on the same frame will reverse your momentum immediately. Practical uses for this have not yet been found.


Discovered by CheDaCheez

Quick Downward Shot - Niche

Performing a ground pound and pressing GRAB at the same time allows you to shoot downward without commiting to actually doing a ground pound.

Discovered by Dane Lastname

Toppins and Routing

All categories collect all toppins on WAR.

For 100%/101%, it is faster to collect the mushroom toppin on lap 2 due to better mobility without the shotgun.

Gerome and Treasure

Gerome is located in war_3, at the top of the ceiling to the right of the cheese toppin. Gerome can be grabbed by simply superjumping. For 100%/101%, grabbing Gerome on lap 1 or lap 2 is the same regardless.

The treasure door is located in war_12b, at the rightmost section before going down. Updoor is not possible in TE and is possible only in 100%/101% due to lap 2 removing your shotgun. While updoor is possible, the timing is rather precise without taunting/supertaunting.

Updoor discovered by Jizzleplank


Secret 1

Secret 1 is located in war_7 out in the open. It is called war_secret1 in the game files.

Secret 2

Secret 2 is located in war_9 out in the open. It is called war_secret2 in the game files.

Secret 3

Secret 3 is located in war_12 out in the open. It is called war_secret3 in the game files.

Score Requirement

WAR's score requirement is somewhere in the middle of the road. You may need to go out of your way to kill enemies and collect points at some sections. (WIP, elaborate)

Chef Tasks

Trip to the Warzone
Trip to the Warzone.png

Obtainability: Finish the level with the Timer on the Bomb having at least a minute left.

Optimizations: If the player is fast enough, this chef task is very easy, usually has a lot of time on the timer upon exiting the level. But if you find the timer to be too tight, you can always grab the optional timer to the right of Gerome

Decorated Veteran
Decorated Veteran.png

Obtainability: Get through the entire level without getting hurt more than 3 times.

Optimizations: Be careful in the last 2 rooms, otherwise this task is surprisingly simple.


Obtainability: Get through the entire level without missing more than 3 shots.

Optimizations: One of the easier chef tasks in the game. Only shoot the gun when necessary to get it. As long as you shoot any object that isn’t a tile, it will not count as a missing shot.



War 1.png


War 2.png


War 3.png


War 6.png


War 7.png


War 8.png


War 9.png


War 10.png


War 11.png


War 12.png


War 12b.png


War 13.png


War lap.png


War secret1.png


War secret2.png


War secret3.png

Miscellaneous Room Optimizations


Rocket Skip

Intermediate - 100% - 101%

In lap 2, the rocket can be avoided by jumping over the boost pad and doing a super jump.


Cheese Skip

Intermediate - All Categories

It is possible to skip the super jump in the beginning of the room by timing your jump on top of the cheese block.

Discovered by AlphaNut


Shooting Once

Beginner - All Categories

WAR Misc Optimizations 4.gif

It is possible to avoid the missile and shoot only once in the last room.

Discovered by Psyk


Terminal Skip

Expert - 100%

It is possible to skip over the terminals and still complete the level. Doing so requires destroying the extra terminal in war_3 which is normally skipped over.

This is very risky and is not recommended for a full game run due to requiring to complete the level in less than 5 minutes.

This strat is also not feasible for 101% due to the Trip to the Warzone Chef Task.