
From Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki
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Note: Upward movement is tracked in the game's code with a negative vertical speed, while downward movement is denoted with a positive vertical speed. We've inverted the values for vertical speed shown in this wiki so they make more intuitive sense.


Pressing either LEFT or RIGHT will cause Peppino to Walk at a horizontal speed that cycles between 6-8. This Walking state is functionally identical to standing still, and anything you can do from a standstill can be done from a Walk. It is possible to enter this state with much more speed using a Fast Walk.

Mach Dash

If you start holding the DASH button, Peppino will begin to sprint. As he builds velocity, Peppino will move up through certain "tiers" of speed: Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3, and Mach 4. Each of these has different sets of properties, listed in the table below.

To accelerate beyond 12.0 speed (Mach 3) on the ground, you must press and hold the FORWARD button. Letting go will maintain Peppino's speed for as long as the DASH button is held, but he will not accelerate past 12 speed.

If you let go of DASH, Peppino will begin to skid to a halt, decelerating at -0.4 horizontal speed per frame, until he stops. Similarly, if you press BACKWARD from whatever direction you are running, Peppino will decelerate at -0.4 horizontal speed per frame until he stops, at which point he will start running in the opposite direction at 12.0 speed (Mach 3).

Speed States
State Horizontal Speed Notes



Peppino's default state, identical to standstill

  • Accelerates at 0.5 per frame if FORWARD is held until reaching 8.0, at which point speed is reset to 6.0 and loops every 4 frames.
Mach 1


  • Accelerates at 0.10 per frame.
  • Climbs walls.
  • Does not drift when turning, speed is set to 6.0 on turnaround.
  • Pushes and stuns enemies on contact.

It takes 20 frames to reach Mach 2 from a standstill (it sets Peppino to 6.0 minimum), so this state is rarely noticed.

Mach 2

Mach 2.png

  • Accelerates at 0.10 per frame.
  • Climbs walls.
  • Drifts slightly when turning, speed is set to 8.0 on turnaround.
  • Pushes and stuns enemies on contact.
  • Breaks marble blocks on contact.

(It’s been noted that “coyote time” does not work properly at this speed in particular)

Mach 3



The most important mach state.

  • Accelerates at 0.025 per frame if FORWARD is held (a quarter of your usual acceleration).
  • Climbs walls.
  • Drifts more when turning, speed is set to 12.0 on turnaround.
  • Scares enemies in front of Peppino.
  • Kills enemies and breaks metal blocks on contact.
  • Able to Superjump.
Mach 4



Can only be reached by holding DASH and the same direction you’re moving in.

  • Accelerates at 0.10 per frame if FORWARD is held.
  • Otherwise identical to Mach 3.

Wall Run

By holding DASH and jumping into a wall (or running up a slope), Peppino will enter a Wall Run state, which accelerates him by 0.15 vertical speed per frame, regardless of directional input, and up to a maximum of 19.5 speed. This is quite better than the usual acceleration of 0.10 speed, and thus starting a Mach Dash with a wall climb where possible can yield noticeable time saves.

Releasing the DASH button during a wall run will set Peppino's vertical speed to ~0.25 and subject Peppino to Gravity, but vertical speed can be preserved using a Mach Launch. Pressing JUMP while Wall Running will cause Peppino to jump off the wall with 10 horizontal speed and 10 vertical speed.

When Jumping into a wall while Dashing, Peppino's horizontal speed will be converted directly to vertical speed - 0.5, and when cresting a wall and resuming Dashing again, Peppino's vertical speed will be converted directly to horizontal speed + 0.5. When Peppino Grabs into a wall, his vertical speed will be set to 5.5.

Other Acceleration


Running down slopes will increase Peppino's acceleration, allowing you to gain speed much faster than usual. Exactly how much speed you gain varies depending on the steepness of the slope and your current transformation. This extra acceleration stops taking effect once you reach 18 speed or higher. Running up slopes will not slow you down.

Extra acceleration per frame
Slope Steepness Gentle Slope
Steep Slope
Standard 0.1 0.2
Gustavo 0.25 0.25
Firemouth 0.1 0.25
Banana 0.25 0.75
Trashcan Lid 0.25 0.25

Boost Pads

Touching a boost pad will set Peppino's horizontal speed to 14 if his current speed is less than 14. If Peppino's speed by is already 14 or higher, touching a boost pad will instead further increase your speed by 0.50, even past the usual limit of 20. This speed increase is gained even if you're rolling as you touch the boost pad. Touching a boost pad facing the opposite direction will increase your speed as usual, while also changing Peppino's direction.

Wall Jumps

Jumping off a wall into will set Peppino's vertical speed and horizontal speed to 10, regardless of your previous speed. This can be troublesome, since it can cause a dash to lose a significant amount of speed, and thus should be avoided when possible.

Interestingly however, when jumping off of a wall, if you land into another wall at the very start of a screen transition (such as climbing up into a room above) then Peppino's vertical speed before the wall jump will be preserved in the next room. This makes it possible to switch to an opposite wall without losing any speed.

Conveyor Belts

Conveyor Belts add or subtract 3 from Peppino's final speed. Running against conveyors caps Peppino's speed at 9. It is still possible to accelerate past this if the belt was entered with more than 9 speed, or a grab slide is performed.

However, performing a grab, either in the air or on the ground, negates the influence of conveyor belts. This can be helpful when running against a conveyor belt, giving you an extra 3 speed for the duration of the grab. However, grabbing can also be detrimental when running with a conveyor belt, since doing so would deny you of extra speed and acceleration.


Mach dashing into a ramp will launch Peppino into the air and set his horizontal speed to 14. Since this may cause you to slow down, doing so is best avoided whenever possible. This can be avoided if Peppino is grabbing as he moves onto the ramp, enabling you to retain your speed while still gaining height by moving up the top of the ramp, and still avoid the potential slowdown of vaulting into the air. This trick is used to good effect in rooms 2 and 4 of Pizzascare.

Running down a ramp is treated as if it were a slope, allowing Peppino to accelerate much faster.

Starting a Mach Dash

The best way to start a mach dash is rarely to just hold DASH. It is possible to kickstart your dash with some extra initial speed by performing either a Grab Slide or a Jump Grab, then link either into a dash.

State Speed Inputs Pros and Cons
Grab Slide

Grab Slide.png

12 Press GRAB, then DOWN. Hold DASH (and let go of DOWN) before the slide ends to link into a dash.

+Very easy.
+Highest initial speed.
-Needs a fair bit of room to perform without bonking into obstacles.

Jump Grab

Jump Grab.png

10 Do a small JUMP and press GRAB, then hold DASH as you land. The shorter the Jump, the better.

Can also be done by Grabbing and holding DASH as you fall down from any height.

+ Highly versatile.
- Slower starting speed.
- Sloppy execution can further delay you.


What comes up must go down. While Peppino is midair and falling, his vertical speed is reduced by -0.5 every frame (his gravity), down to a minimum of -20 speed (the fastest Peppino can fall). However, certain actions like the Bodyslam and the Powerbomb remove this limit, allowing Peppino to accelerate downwards indefinitely until reaching the ground.

Other Speeds

Transformations will alter your movement significantly, as well as what speeds you can generally expect to reach.

  • Knight
    • Walking: 6 speed
    • Sliding: 8 - 14 speed
  • Firemouth
    • Walking: 8.5 speed
    • Air Dash: 12 speed
      • Speed is retained on the ground
  • Ghost
    • No ghost peppers: 6 speed
    • 1 ghost peppers: 8 speed
    • 2 ghost peppers: 10 speed
    • 3 ghost peppers: 12 speed
  • Sausage
    • Max Speed: 16 speed
  • Barrel
    • Walking: 8 speed
    • Rolling: 14
      • Resets to 8 after turning or landing from a jump
  • Olive
    • 14 vertical speed
  • Rocket
    • Neutral: 12
    • Holding FORWARD: 16
  • Ball
    • Neutral: 12
    • Holding BACK: 8
  • Rails
    • 0-10 speed accelerates very fast
    • 10+ speed retains current speed
      • Riding the rail at a higher speed will preserve that speed
  • Pizza Box
    • Walking: 12 speed
    • Attack: Burst of 11.5 speed, slows down to 9.5
      • Attacking while walking causes the walking speed to be 12.7 instead
    • Air: Reaches up to 8 speed without a running start on the ground
  • Cheese Ball
    • 12 speed
  • Sticky Cheese
    • 6 speed
  • Trash Lid:
    • 14 speed
  • Kicked by Cow
    • 10 speed
  • Corpse Riding
    • 13 speed
  • Rushing Water
    • 20 speed