
From Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki
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Note: Upward movement is tracked in the game's code with a negative vertical speed, while downward movement is denoted with a positive vertical speed. We've inverted the values for vertical speed shown in this wiki so they make more intuitive sense.

While dashing at Mach 3 or higher, Peppino is able to perform a Superjump by holding UP (or SUPERJUMP). As long as you hold this button, Peppino will continue to prepare the Superjump, during which he's able to slowly nudge to either side at 2.0 speed to adjust your position.

Releasing the button will cause Peppino to shoot up into the air indefinitely, killing enemies and destroying blocks on his path. Peppino launches up with an initial vertical speed of 11.5, and accelerates at 0.1 vertical speed per frame with no upper limit.

Peppino will only stop upon reaching a solid ceiling. Superjump can be canceled into a Mach Dash by pressing GRAB or JUMP + LEFT or RIGHT (also called a Shinespark). This dash will start at 13 speed, regardless of your vertical speed during the Superjump.