Fast Walk

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Fast Walking is a method of (briefly) getting Peppino into a Walking state while moving much faster than usual. From this state, he can perform several tricks that are locked out in the Running state while still retaining the speed of running, such as High Jump, or convert that speed into the opposite direction with an Instaturn.

To perform a Fast Walk, while running, either Grab or (preferably) Air Grab, and while in the Grab state, let go of DASH (while still holding FORWARD). When the Grab ends, Peppino will skip the Skid state and go straight into a Walking state, able to take any action he could normally take from a standstill. Air Grab is preferred because it ends as soon as Peppino hits the ground instead of having to wait (and travel) for 39 frames.

As long as you keep the FORWARD held, Peppino will continue to Fast Walk, with his horizontal speed decreasing by -0.10 per frame. This means you can delay any follow-up by a significant number of frames and still retain a large percentage of your speed. Pressing DASH again will resume the Mach Dash, which can be used to Walk through enemies while retaining speed and then keep running afterwards.

Discovered by LeKukie