Vigilante Upwarp

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Vigilante Upwarp is a trick performed on the Floor 2 hub, allowing you to quickly teleport to Mr. Stick and interact with him as you exit Fastfood Saloon. This saves time by both interrupting the cutscene of Peppino falling and teleporting you to the floor above in one motion.

  • Before entering Fastfood Saloon, make sure that Mr. Stick has appeared by walking close enough to the boss door.
  • As you enter the level, ensure that Peppino is standing slightly to the left of the gap between the saloon doors.
  • Perform Result Screen Skip as you exit the level.
  • Continue holding UP until the buying cutscene begins.
    • As Peppino falls down and passes by Mr. Stick, you will trigger the buying cutscene and teleport to the ground above.

Clip courtesy of ellie_jelli