Speed (Simplified)

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This is a more simplified version of the page on Speed, condensed down to the essentials that any runner should be at least aware of.

Mach Dash

If you start holding the DASH button, Peppino will begin to sprint. As he builds velocity, Peppino will move up through certain "tiers" of speed: Mach 1, Mach 2, Mach 3, and Mach 4. Each of these has different sets of properties, listed in the table below.

Speed States
State Horizontal Speed Notes



Peppino's default state, identical to standstill

Mach 1


  • Climbs walls.
  • Does not drift when turning, speed is set to 6.0 on turnaround.
  • Pushes and stuns enemies on contact.

It takes 20 frames to reach Mach 2 from a standstill (it sets Peppino to 6.0 minimum), so this state is rarely noticed.

Mach 2

Mach 2.png

  • Climbs walls.
  • Drifts slightly when turning, speed is set to 8.0 on turnaround.
  • Pushes and stuns enemies on contact.
  • Breaks marble blocks on contact.

(It’s been noted that “coyote time” does not work properly at this speed in particular)

Mach 3



The most important mach state.

  • Accelerates only if FORWARD is held.
  • Climbs walls.
  • Drifts more when turning, speed is set to 12.0 on turnaround.
  • Scares enemies in front of Peppino.
  • Kills enemies and breaks metal blocks on contact.
  • Able to Superjump.
  • Accelerates slower than at other speeds (1/4 the usual acceleration).
Mach 4


  • Can only be reached by holding DASH and FORWARD.
  • Does not accelerate slower (Unlike Mach 3).
  • Otherwise identical to Mach 3.

Peppino will build up speed as long as you’re running on the ground or up a wall. At Mach 3 or higher (12+ speed), Peppino will only go faster if you also hold the FORWARD button. As an exception, running up a wall will always increase your speed regardless of directional inputs, up to 19.50 speed.

Peppino will not accelerate while rolling or while in the air.

Running down slopes will cause you to accelerate regardless of input, up to 18 speed. This can stack with Peppino’s usual acceleration to gain speed much faster than normal.

Starting a Mach Dash

The best way to start a mach dash is rarely to just hold DASH. It is possible to kickstart your dash with some extra initial speed by performing either a Grab Slide or a Jump Grab, then link either into a dash.

State Speed Inputs Pros and Cons
Grab Slide

Grab Slide.png

12 Press GRAB, then DOWN. Hold DASH (and let go of DOWN) before the slide ends to link into a dash.

+Very easy.
+Highest initial speed.
-Needs a fair bit of room to perform without bonking into obstacles.

Jump Grab

Jump Grab.png

10 Do a small JUMP and press GRAB, then hold DASH as you land. The shorter the hop, the better.

Can also be done by Grabbing and holding DASH as you fall down from any height.

+ Highly versatile.
- Slower starting speed.
- Sloppy execution can further delay you.