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Even as you run between levels, the hub presents opportunities for tricks and good movement.



Tower entrancehall.png


Tower johngutterhall.png


Tower 1.png


Tower 2.png


Tower 3.png


Tower 4.png


Tower 5.png




Disappointing Observations

On the 1st floor hub, it is possible to go into the Old Tower secret room after buying the Pepperman boss gate to skip the animation of the gate emerging from the ground. However, doing this loses 12 frames compared to simply waiting around.


As you exit Fastfood Saloon it is possible to perform Vigilante Upwarp.

Fun Farm Mach Launch

Intermediate - Any% - True Ending - 100%

It is possible to speed up the trek from Wasteyard to Fun Farm by weaving a Mach Launch into your movement.

Video courtesy of omar uvu


Floor 3 Hub Movement

Intermediate - Any% - True Ending - 100%

Buying a boss door poses a couple of potential delays. Mr. Stick isn’t there at first and only appears after you first go near the door. You must then wait for Mr. Stick to play out the animation where he flies in before you can pay him. And after you do, you must then wait some more for the boss gate to emerge from the ground before you can finally enter.

This movement sequence minimizes the time spent waiting around on floor 3 for these animations to play out:

  • As you first arrive on the floor, go to Crust Cove.
  • After exiting Crust Cove, run to Gnome Forest, making sure to jump as you pass by the elevator to the lower floor.
    • This will get you just close enough to the boss door to spawn Mr. Stick, making it so you don't have to wait for him to fly in later on.
  • After exiting Gnome Forest, go to Deep-Dish 9.
  • After exiting Deep-Dish 9, go down to GOLF, buying the boss door from Mr. Stick along the way.
    • The time it takes for the boss door to come up is spent making your way to GOLF, rather than waiting around.
  • After exiting GOLF go straight into the Noise fight, then proceed to the next floor.

Olive Skip

Expert - Any% - True Ending - 100%

It is possible to reach Deep-Dish 9 slightly faster by running up the wall, though getting through the gap requires a very precisely timed wall jump.

Alternatively, mach launch can be done to reach the gap easier.

Video courtesy of omar uvu

