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Peppino's attack/acceleration button. Pressing GRAB, either midair or from the ground, causes Peppino to lunge forwards.

If Peppino's horizontal speed is less than 8, Grab sets Peppino's speed to 8 and accelerates by 0.5 per frame until Peppino reaches 10 speed. If Peppino is moving faster than 10, Grab will maintain Peppino's horizontal speed. Grab lasts for 39 frames unless canceled.

As the grab ends, if you hold DASH, Peppino will carry over the speed of the grab into the following sprint, allowing you to kickstart your Dash with some extra initial speed. This is also true when landing on the ground from an air grab, which is actually slightly better since the grab will end as soon as you touch the ground.

If Peppino is Grabbing on the ground and hits a wall, he will bonk onto it and become airborne for about 19 frames. Peppino is actionable in this state, and can perform any action he can out of a normal Jump. If Peppino is performing an Air Grab and touches a wall, he will instead begin a Wall Run.

Grab can be canceled linked into a Long Jump by jumping or into Walk by pressing BACK (the latter is known as a Mach Cancel).

Grabbing Enemies


Coming into contact with an enemy during a grab will prompt Peppino to hold them over his head. He can walk and jump freely while carrying an enemy, but may not dash.

Pressing GRAB again, either in the air or on the ground, will cause Peppino to throw the enemy he was holding after a brief delay, destroying everything in its path until the thrown enemy hits a wall or a metal block. Hitting a boss with a thrown enemy will stun them. Holding up before throwing will make Peppino throw the enemy straight up to the ceiling.

After throwing an enemy, Peppino gains a little bit of height and enters the Walking Jump state, allowing you to follow up a throw with airgrab into a Dash, a Bodyslam, or other airborne actions.

After performing a Grab, if you hold UP as you come into contact with an enemy, Peppino will grab the enemy and immediately perform a Piledriver while gaining great height.

Spin Grab


A Grab can be performed in the middle of a Dash. If you grab an enemy while dashing at Mach 2 or higher, Peppino will hold the enemy and spin them around, destroying blocks and killing other enemies upon contact.

Peppino will continue spinning the enemy around while losing horizontal speed at a rate of -0.25 per frame. If Peppino comes to a full stop, Peppino will then carry the enemy around, just like after a regular Grab. The spin can also be ended sooner if you press GRAB to throw the enemy mid-spin. Hitting a wall will end the spin and kill the grabbed enemy.