Fast Fall

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Note: Upward movement is tracked in the game's code with a negative vertical speed, while downward movement is denoted with a positive vertical speed. We've inverted the values for vertical speed shown in this wiki so they make more intuitive sense.

Fast Falling is a technique to quickly reach the maximum falling speed, allowing Peppino to quickly fall through vertical segments while remaining actionable.

To perform a Fast Fall, while dashing and midair, press GRAB and DOWN on the same frame. It can also be buffered from a Wall Run by pressing FORWARD+DOWN+GRAB while Wall Running, then pressing JUMP to instantly detach from the wall at Fast Fall speed. The wall-buffered version is much easier, and highly recommended even for beginners to learn, while the unbuffered version requires multibind to be consistent.

Fast Fall sets Peppino's vertical speed to -10.0, which means it accelerates to the speed cap of -20.0 in 20 frames, about twice as fast as falling normally. However, because it is still subject to the speed cap, if Peppino needs to fall decently far (such as the Cheese Toppin room in Deep Dish 9), it can be better and simpler to Bodyslam.

Tutorial Video

Wall-Buffer Variation Tutorial

Discovered by Uncle Jeol

Noise Variant

While Noise can use the fast fall technique as well, since holding DOWN while falling off a ledge will allow you to fall downwards with vertical speed -10.0 in tornado state without the need to buffer, this technique is much less useful for Noise.