Revolver Peppino

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Revolver Peppino is a state unique to the Vigilante boss fight, as well as phase 2 of the Pizzaface boss fight.

When you pick up the revolver, you lose access to your Grab. Instead, pressing the GRAB button will allow you to fire bullets. Holding down GRAB will allow you to fire a bigger bullet after a short charge time. This charge shot is fired automatically as soon as it’s ready and cannot be held, so some timing and foresight may be required to land these shots.

Speed States
Attack Damage Fire Rate DPS Pros and Cons
Normal Shot
1 0.2 seconds 5 damage per

+Better DPS
-Mashing GRAB demands more of your attention

Charge Shot
6 1.35s to
4.4 damage per

+May allow you to focus on dodging
+Can be used to prepare a big burst of damage
-Lesser DPS
-Very hard to time your shots precisely