Gustavo Move Cancelling

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Much like Peppino, Gustavo has some moves that are cancellable into other moves. In order to optimize the character, who in many ways feels quite limited compared to Peppino, it's crucial to understand what moves cancel into what and how to use them.

Gustavo's Double Jump can be canceled into his Spin Attack, which if timed while still ascending from the double jump, will allow him to gain a bit more height while also gaining a burst of horizontal speed. His aerial Spin Attack may then be cancelled into Stomp, which can be useful for falling quickly or for precision landings.

Gustavo's Double Jump can also be cancelled into Rat Kick. This move is great for moving Brick closer to doors, since Gustavo can’t enter doors on his own. Otherwise, it’s Gustavo’s best option to cancel out of double jump without sending him flying to the left or right via Spin Attack.

The last sequence to keep in mind is that you can crouch out of a grounded Spin Attack. This lets you breeze through crawlspaces by carrying over the momentum of your spin attack into a crawl.