
From Pizza Tower Speedrunning Wiki
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Note: Upward movement is tracked in the game's code with a negative vertical speed, while downward movement is denoted with a positive vertical speed. We've inverted the values for vertical speed shown in this wiki so they make more intuitive sense.

Dives are performed by pressing DOWN while in the Running Jump state. This sets Peppino's vertical speed to -10.0 while keeping his horizontal speed constant. Dives are still subject to Gravity, so Peppino's vertical speed may reach -20.0 if he falls for long enough. Peppino's collision also becomes smaller during a dive, enabling Gap Dives.

Once you begin a dive you are mostly committed to it, since you can't interrupt the dive or change the directions until you touch the ground or bonk into a wall. Your only movement option at this point is to link the dive into a Powerbomb by pressing JUMP.

Dives are not only useful for maneuvering though levels. Since during a Mach Dash Peppino can only accelerate while on the ground, diving can be helpful to stick to the ground for longer to build up more speed.